Tips On Using Freight Services To Export Christmas Gifts

While it is lovely receiving lots of Christmas gifts, for those who are moving abroad or far away, it simply means additional items they have to transport using freight services to their new home.

If this sounds familiar, read our tips to ensure your lovely presents arrive in one piece.

– Only take what you need

Without wanting to sound ungrateful, people often receive goods they do not really want or need. And when you are moving far away, it is important you only take the necessary items. That means you might be faced with the prospect of sending your gift back.

However, you should not feel too guilty as research from has revealed ten per cent of Brits returned Christmas gifts in 2014 and £207 million worth of goods are expected to be taken back to stores following the festive season this year.

– Keep packaging simple

While all your goods will be packed in cardboard boxes, it is still a good idea to unwrap your gifts before you travel. This way you can avoid attracting more attention to them than necessary, as people will not assume the box’s contents are expensive or exciting.

Furthermore, knowing exactly what is in the wrapping paper helps when packing the items. If the gifts are fragile, they will be in a boxed labeled as such, and if they are small, they can be neatly stacked with other belongings in a large box.

  Eat what you can

Lots of people receive edible Christmas presents, with the likes of homemade hampers, vintage drinks, tasty biscuits, expensive cheeses and sweet fudge being among the most popular gifts for food fans to receive.

So, if you have been generously given a lovely – but perishable – item, it is wise to consume it before all your belongings are shipped off.

For a start, if they are likely to go off in the next few weeks, they could be out of date by the time they arrive. Secondly, it may be difficult for the food to withstand high pressures or extreme temperatures on airplanes, ships or trains.

So, don’t wait to enjoy your tasty treats and tuck in!

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