Businesses making use of container ships to transport their goods from A to B will be pleased to hear that Barclays has teamed up with UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) to offer a network of support for British exports and for companies overseas investing in the country.
The aim of the collaboration between the two organisations is to support economic development and help businesses in the UK reach new markets, with the government setting out a number of targets to help in this regard.
These include achieving 100,000 more exporters by the year 2020, as well as ensuring that the UK maintains its position as the best place in Europe to go where inward investment is concerned.
In all, there will be six areas of activity that Barclays and UKTI will manage together, including training, enhancing digital support and helping businesses – no matter their size – focus on both export and inward investment.
“Supporting UK enterprise and helping businesses of all sizes to expand and grow is something we are passionate about. We provide expert help to UK businesses in accessing new markets, expanding overseas, and achieving their growth objectives around the globe,” chief executive officer of Barclays Corporate banking John Winter said.
If you need help with shipping, come to us at Unipac for help and advice. We’ll source and manage the best freight package available to you at the best price. We always provide a competitive and reliable freight service anywhere in the world, so no matter what you have to ship you know you’ll be in the safest of hands.